Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows (Store)

This includes the ASP.NET editors for HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc. Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web provides the core tools for creating compelling, innovative web applications and services. Visual Studio Community is a single download and supports EVERYTHING you see below and LOTS more. I'll only keep these links up for a little while longer. It even supports Visual Studio extensions! No need for Visual Studio Express! Download the new "Visual Studio Community" NOW at.

MASSIVE UPDATE! You're not going to believe this, but there is no reason for this post anymore! There is now a FREE and very complete (basically Pro) version of Visual Studio called Visual Studio Community. That's their copyrighted logo over there on the right, and these downloads are all Microsoft's. NOTE: I wrote this post on my own, and not as a representative of Microsoft. Here are the direct links to all the Express SKUs for Visual Studio. You liked, so, here's because I like you so much.