(Although this idea is slightly more developer-intense) I think it would be a very fun idea to earn "tickets" (or some other digital item, based on the games they join in for) similar to the way arcades do things, where users could enter a raffle to win prizes at the end of the event. I believe that this could be a fun way to invite new users to Discord, and I have also thought of a fun way it could be marketed. My idea is that an event is held on Discord within a server, as has been done in the past or recently with your giveaways, where you instead allow for discord moderators and selected users to screenshare or stream videos live, with activities like Kahoot, Jackbox Party Pack, and other party games that are fitting for everyone. In planning this idea I thought it would be most beneficial for the event to be easily run, inexpensive, yet welcoming to new users who are joining Discord! (Since your branding somewhat recently was changed to accommodate non-gamers). I assume this is due to COVID-19, but I would like to bring up the idea of possibly hosting an event on Discord, due to the circumstances we are currently in. Hi Hypesquad! I have been waiting and checking in on the Hypesquad application page for a quite a while, and sadly I saw that you still are not planning on hosting any events.