Just like a resume, your cover page is a reflector of your personality and choices.

Therefore, being in line with the readers’ minds and tastes is very important. Can you tell me what’s wrong with these? The cover is not in consonance with the audience or the level it is prepared for. Or report for a psychological research report that shows emojis, or cartoon figures outside, inappropriate. Imagine designing a report that shows strawberries, confetti, and party cakes for a college project, inappropriate. Choosing the right design for your report begins with the font type and its size, the color scheme, the composition, the gap between elements, etc.

If you want to make sure people appreciate your work, the first step towards it should be an impressive outlook. Just like any other thing, what looks appealing to the eyes is what would make all the difference. The reader would pay attention to the cover page if a few following contents are kept in mind: Visually appealing outlook: What qualities in your cover page would keep the reader hooked? Most people like to keep their cover pages monochromatic and simple, however, you can also add all sorts of patterns and colors to personalize them.